The Great Work DVDs now available. | Self-Initiated Books

The Great Work DVDs now available.

  • The Great Work Trailer:

    "From the producers of Magical Egypt, The Great Work is not just another Self-Help /Self-Development Series. 10 years in the making, The Great Work is a Modern Day Mystery School designed to help you meet the challenges and opportunities of life in the 21st century.

    Join Lon Milo DuQuette and other leading Wisdom Teachers as they transmute the secret teachings of the Egyptian Mysteries, the Tarot, Alchemy, Kabbala and other Great Wisdom traditions into practical tools of personal transformation and enlightenment.

    If you are familiar with 'The Secret' or 'What The Bleep', you'll discover that The Great Work is the next step in your self-awareness, self-confidence, personal growth, and professional achievement."

    The Great Work on 6 DVDs:
    Click here or the image below to learn more.

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