Decoding the Secrets of Egyptian Hieroglyphs by Bob Brier | Self-Initiated Books

Decoding the Secrets of Egyptian Hieroglyphs by Bob Brier

  • In Decoding the Secrets of Egyptian Hieroglyphs, Professor Brier offers you the key to unlocking the mysteries of this amazing ancient language. Making this seemingly complex code accessible to anyone with a willingness to learn, his 24 lectures cover the basics of reading and writing hieroglyphs, including vocabulary words, number systems, and sentence structure. They also put your newfound knowledge to work, as you translate hieroglyphs found on some of ancient Egypt’s most intriguing sites and artifacts, from the Rosetta Stone to the temples at Abu Simbel to the tomb of Tutankhamen. Professor Brier opens up startling new worlds of discovery that will bring you closer than ever to a civilization that’s captivated us for millennia—and that will continue to do so for a long time to come.

    Episode 1: Why Egypt Needed Hieroglyphs

    Episode 2: The Ancient Egyptian Alphabet

    Episode 3: How a Language Becomes Lost

    Episode 4: Napoleon in Egypt

    Episode 5: Early Attempts to Decipher the Rosetta Stone

    Episode 6: William Bankes and the Keys to Decipherment

    Episode 7: Jean-François Champollion Cracks the Code

    Episode 8: Suffix Pronouns and the Hieroglyphs of Ptah

    Episode 9: The Immortal Scribe

    Episode 10: Hieroglyphs and the Bible

    Episode 11: Dependent Pronouns and the Passive Voice

    Episode 12: Past Tense and Adjectives

    Episode 13: New Ideograms Related to the Gods

    Episode 14: Names of the Pharaohs

    Episode 15: Ancient Egyptian Numbers

    Episode 16: The Egyptian Calendar

    Episode 17: Names of the Gods

    Episode 18: Negation in Ancient Egyptian Sentences

    Episode 19: Reading Hieroglyphic Jewelry

    Episode 20: Palimpsests. When Scribes Make Mistakes

    Episode 21: An Ancient Egyptian Prayer for the Dead

    Episode 22: Translating the Tomb of Perneb

    Episode 23: Translating Tutankhamen's Tomb

    Episode 24: King Tut's Magic Mirror and Sarcophagus

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